PLSQL program to check whether a date falls on weekend

Write a PLSQL program to check whether a date falls on weekend i.e. SATURDAY or SUNDAY.

Here is a PLSQL program to check whether a date falls on a weekend (Saturday or Sunday):

input_date DATE;
day_of_week VARCHAR2(10);
-- Ask the user to input a date
input_date := &input_date;
— Use the TO_CHAR function to get the name of the day of the week
day_of_week := TO_CHAR(input_date, ‘DAY’);

— Check if the day of the week is Saturday or Sunday
IF day_of_week = ‘SATURDAY’ OR day_of_week = ‘SUNDAY’ THEN
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(input_date || ‘ falls on a weekend.’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(input_date || ‘ does not fall on a weekend.’);

This program takes an input date in the format “YYYY-MM-DD” and uses the PL/SQL function TO_CHAR to convert the date to a string containing the name of the day of the week. The program then checks if the day of the week is “SATURDAY” or “SUNDAY” and outputs a message accordingly.

You can run this program in SQL Developer by replacing the &input_date with a specific date, for example :

 input_date DATE; day_of_week VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN — Ask the user to input a date input_date := ‘2022-03-13’; — Use the TO_CHAR function to get the name of the day of the week day_of_week := TO_CHAR(input_date, ‘DAY’); — Check if the day of the week is Saturday or Sunday IF day_of_week = ‘SATURDAY’ OR day_of_week = ‘SUNDAY’ THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(input_date || ‘ falls on a weekend.’); ELSE DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(input_date || ‘ does not fall on a weekend.’); END IF; END;

In the above example, the input date is set to "2022-03-13" and the program will output the message "2022-03-13 does not fall on a weekend."

It‘s worth noting that you can also use other built-in functions such as NEXT_DAY() and TO_DATE() to check if a date falls on a weekend as well. This can be useful in cases where you may have a date in a different format or if you want to check if a certain day is a weekend day.

In any case, this program serves as a basic example of how to use PL/SQL to check if a date falls on a weekend, and you can use this as a starting point to build more complex programs that involve date and time operations.